• Chamber Talk Blog

    A blog from your local Chamber of Commerce.
    Monday, March 9, 2020
    Are You a 2020 Business?

    If you are a business owner, you likely have learned quite a bit over the past decade. No matter what your industry, the way we do business has changed drastically. From internet sales to global competition, social media to chatbots, search engine optimization to word of mouth marketing, the learning curve in business has been steep. But these tools are not what make up a modern business. To be successful a modern business person needs to embrace several trends that are expectations for today's workers.

    Christina R. Metcalf

    Monday, February 24, 2020
    30 Ways To Make People Love You On Social Media

    Have you ever noticed just how many bland posters there are out there on social media? They post only about themselves and not even interesting things about themselves. It’s almost better if posters like those stay off of social media altogether because they’re certainly not building any fans and that kind of posting is not getting people to know, like, and trust them. Their social media efforts are wasted and since we don’t want yours to be, we’re putting together a list of things to post about that will

    Christina R. Green

    Monday, February 17, 2020
    4 Ways to Pull Great Stories Out of Your Customers

    Storytelling makes for amazing marketing because people don't realize they're being marketed to. They're pulled into the story. They develop an emotional attachment to your business and they stick around for the resolution. Good storytelling casts your customers as the heroes of their stories. You want their successes and triumphs to be told because you want potential customers to hear the stories and think that they can do those things too. When you cast your business as the wise sage who helps the

    Christina R. Green

    Monday, February 10, 2020
    4 Practical Subject Line Ideas to Get More Opens

    Email subject lines are one of the most important things to master because they directly affect your open rate. And more opens means more possible action. They can’t do what you’re asking if they don’t open your email. The average open rate for emails is between 15-25%. If you're above 25% you have a great open rate. But let's assume you wanted to get even better. This article contains simple email subject line ideas that work.

    Christina R. Green

    Monday, February 3, 2020
    Welcome to the Side Hustle: Creating an Alternative Revenue Stream for Your Business

    If your business isn't bringing in the revenue you'd like and you've tried different discounts and purchase options, it may be time to consider what the business world is now referring to as a “side hustle.” For purposes of this article, we're not going to cover starting a new business but rather creating a side hustle or an alternative revenue stream for your existing business. Here's how you can do that.

    Christina R. Metcalf

    Wednesday, January 15, 2020
    9 Easy Ways to Get More Business Through Instagram

    I have to admit, I’m not a big fan of Instagram but clearly, I'm wrong. About a billion people (serious stat, not hyperbole) use the platform every month. 500 million people use the platform's stories feature every day. This year, Instagram is expected to reach 112 million users in the US alone and it's the fastest growing social media platform in Canada. If your target demographic is under the age of 40, they likely have an Instagram account, which means you should probably be on there. Instagram is an

    Christina R. Metcalf